Trannyshack UK - The Photo Book
By James Andrew Yardley

Sunday, 31 January 2010

M i s s
D u s t y
' O '

Here's one of my recent photo shoots with the fabulous Miss Dusty 'O' who always looks amazing in my shots and is a beaut to work with. Enjoy.

For the rest of the shoot visit my flickr -

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

P o l a r o i d ' s
N o t
D e a d

But while it's gone away for a while, we've had to make do with this and to be really honest we do love them.

Friday, 22 January 2010

G o l l y
G o l l y

G o s h

My dear flat mate and I making something for a very special friend of his. Gosh!

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

H e l l o
L o v e r . .

Say hello to my lovely Vivienne Westwood squiggle Pirate Boots inspired by the original 80's Pirate collection, my latest VW purchase. I don't think I've ever loved anything from Westwood as much as these boots. Anyway I took this as the perfect excuse to have a little shoot and mess around with the boots, I like the effects I used during editing and they remind me of a photographer I've seen before, but which one I can't put my finger on...

And while you're saying hello to my new booties, I'll say hello to rice and noodles, something I'm going to be eating a lot of after the purchase of these babies...

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

F l i c k r

My new flickr account where I'll be uploading and sharing my work in the future. Fingers crossed I will actually use this as it's intended.

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

W e l c o m e
t o
2 0 1 0

M o r e p u b l i s h e d i m a g e s i n
Q X M a g a z i n e

And the above image is going to be used for Miss Dusty O's weekly column in QXMagazine.

Saturday, 2 January 2010

P u b l i s h e d
P h o t o g r a p h y in
2 0 0 9

Q X M a g a z i n e

B o y z M a g a z i n e