Trannyshack UK - The Photo Book
By James Andrew Yardley

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

P i n k
N a r c i s s u s

On the 29th I attended a screening of 'Pink Narcissus' by the infamous James Bidgood at the Tate Modern here in my 'new' home town London, made over a fairly long period of time it's a story based around a male prostitute called Bobby Kendall (Barbie Ken Doll maybe?) and his erotic yet beautiful dreams and fantasies while alone in his apartment. It was to say the least a brilliant film, Bidgood who still refers to the film as his 'Mangled masterpiece' due to the overall editing of the film that was out of his control certainly made a classic and an amazing piece of work.

I'd advise anyone to find this film and see it asap, and at £4 a ticket for what is definitely a masterpiece it's a complete bargain rather than paying £12 for some box office bollocks, and plus it tends to attract some gorgeous men to the venue too! Always a bonus.

Thursday, 25 March 2010

M i c h a e l
T r o w

Now I don't usually blog about any of the lectures I attend on a weekly basis, though some guest speakers have been entertaining and have stimulated my brain cells in some way, this is the first time I actually engaged in a lecture and loved every word the man spoke.

Michael Trow is the picture editor of British Vogue, and in my eyes though he may not know it an inspiration. He spoke of his previous jobs at Bizarre magazine and how he got the job at British Vogue after previously going to Conde Nast in search of freelance work at GQ Magazine, he also talked about how he works on a day to day and monthly basis, and of course who he has worked with over the years at this countries fashion bible.

For once in my life I was so grateful for UEL providing a brilliant lecturer that managed to put the spark back into photography and in particular fashion photography, after months of my professional practice lectures dragging down my overall love for photography and my course.

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Some girls they got natural ease,

They wear it anyway they please..

From the makers of Shortbus a film I loved dearly for many years, is Hedwig and the Angry Inch, a film I've heard so much about but alas never got round to watching, until 2am the other morning while drinking white strike (Yes I'm a classy lad) It came on channel 4, and I was from the beginning in LOVE. If you enjoy films such as Transformers and Terminator this film definitely isn't for you, but if you love films like Shortbus and Party Monster, Go watch it immediately.

Thursday, 18 March 2010

T r a n n y s h a c k
G o e s
B o l l y w o o d

Got some fantastic shots of the very miss Dusty 'O', Boy George, Tasty Tim, Vesta Bules and Lady Lloyd. Not going to upload them all YET though, wouldn't want to spoil the book by putting them all online now.

Monday, 15 March 2010

C a n ' t
R e m e m b e r
W h e r e
F o u n d
T h e s e
But I LOVE them.

Sunday, 14 March 2010

S o m e t i m e s
I find myself irrationally upset/angry, and I don't even know why. I have to take myself away from different people or a place and I just have to calm down. I know why I get angry or upset, for lots of things I cannot change to do with my own life BUT I'm 20 and I shouldn't be like this at my age in fact, I shouldn't even be like this at all. I just wish things could be different, so so different. But they aren't, and they never will be no matter how much I babble on this blog post or whatever mood swings I pull. I am STOOpid, and this is STOOpid. Infact I should just delete it and forget I ever wrote to post it, BUT I'll be damned if I've just completely wasted five minutes of my life and then just deleted it.

Thursday, 11 March 2010

a M A Z i n g
L a d y G a G a
f t .
B e y o n c e
' T e l e p h o n e '

Enough said, the whole 9 minutes and 32 seconds speaks for itself.
Enjoy little monsters.

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

A l a n
C a r r

Was hilarious, I was in fits of giggles.
I want to marry him.
That is all.

Sunday, 7 March 2010

C i r c u s

Check out this new video from Circus on the 28th February, I went, got drunk, danced like an idiot as I'm sure your about to see and generally had a good time. I'm wearing a red jacket around 25 seconds in. It's shameful how I dance, but I am able to laugh at myself thank god. so enJOY.

G o t
B o r e d

And because I'm trying to completely avoid my uni work and the mess that the man at the Carphone Warehouse created with my new Blackberry today, I'm just going to post more findings from Brief Magazine.

Friday, 5 March 2010

ft. Lady Gaga & Cyndi Lauper

It's simple, you go and buy a lipstick in either Lauper's red or Gaga's pink from M•A•C and all of the money goes towards the M•A•C Aids fund, if you really need more information listen to the ladies themselves in the link below. Boy or Girl it's a simple way of making a stance against aids and a strong statement on your lips.

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

M y
N e w
P h o t o g r a p h y
F l a t
M a t e

Say hello to my dear friend and new flat mate Eric Phillips (far right, below) I met him just a few months ago on my Photography course and he nows lives with me and my other flat mate David. So now there's two Photography and one fashion student living under one roof, below if our first mess around and photo shoot together.

The concept and Photography was all done by Eric, the clothes including the fabulous double decker dicky bow was done by Dav and the makeup by little old me.

Visit Eric's fabulous flickr below

Click on the photo above for a larger version

And below is a self portrait photo by myself, I fell in love with these weirdly shaped eyebrows.

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

f o u n d
m o r e
l i t t l e
g e m s

More diamonds in the shape of pictures from briefmagazine.COM

Monday, 1 March 2010

T h e y
P r o m i s e
T o
B e
B R I E F !

I found this site which is a mix of funny and VERY gay pictures submitted by people all over the globe, here's a few I've found and fell in LOVE with. I always have a gander from time to time so I'll post more gems as I find them.