Trannyshack UK - The Photo Book
By James Andrew Yardley

Thursday, 22 April 2010

M y
N e w
L o v e r

It's bigger than big, and I seem to be taking it everywhere with me, now to buy a scanner so I can scan in my lovely polaroids for you all. Until then, you'll have to wait.... There's some bloody good shots too!
Oh and her names Lady Tank by the way.

Friday, 16 April 2010

L o o k i n g
F o r
M o d e l s

As well as photographing and making my Trannyshack UK book for my current University brief, I am also working in a group for another part of my course and these photographs will be printed and exhibited in Victoria Park in East London in late May early June. My part of the group work is to photograph 'Lovers' of all kinds in Victoria park, it may sound very cliche but trust me it won't be.

I'm looking for couples, straight AND gay that feel they can act naturally in front of a camera (It is my worst nightmare to photograph people who freeze up when a lens is pointed towards them.) So if you have any feeling that this could be you, please don't volunteer. Couples won't be asked to do anything to trying other than really look natural in each others company. I don't want these shots too be stereotypical and therefore I am looking for people from all walks of life.

If you're interested, please email me at or message me on either facebook or twitter, links for which can be found on the right of my blog. Each shoot with the various different couples I find will be no longer than an hour, therefore models will not be paid, sorry.

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Y o u ' r e
S w e e t,
M y
D e a r.

In the time since I last posted, I've fallen in love with this song below. There's too versions, the original by Eartha Kitt and the mixed version with Giant Jr. ENJOY.

Friday, 9 April 2010

S e x
T h e
C i t y

I swear I've never been so excited.. enjoy.

Thursday, 8 April 2010

L a d i e s
a n d
G e n t l e m e n

Clearly, we have a fan. From my good friend Christopher Thorne

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

M o r e
P u b l i s h e d
P h o t o g r a p h y
W o r k

I am lucky enough to be published again in this weeks QX and Boyz Magazine with my stunning photographs that I posted before of my good friend Dusty 'O'. Have a gander.

B o y z
M a g a z i n e

M a g a z i n e

Sunday, 4 April 2010

C i r c u s '
4 t h
B i r t h d a y

High above the city of London in the Centre Point building, Circus' 4th Birthday was the place to be saturday night on the 3rd of April. Surrounded by well known names such as JLS, Paloma Faith, Mr Hudson, half of the Saturdays and my personal sex god and fashion designer Henry Holland it was a field day for celebrity spotters. However that was not my personal highlight of the evening, I LOVED the music, the panoramic views of London and the general atmosphere that has made Circus famous. Next Circus I'm going to be there, you should TOO!

Thursday, 1 April 2010

B o l l y w o o d
B a b e
D u s t y ' O '

Since I've been working on the Trannyshack UK book over the past few months, I've been keeping the images close to my chest until the book is finished. However here's a shoot I did a few days ago with my good friend Dusty who's was sporting a Bollywood look for Kinky Kabaret that evening. The images as always are gorgeous and are a little taster of things to come in the final book, and speaking of the tasters, check out the front cover on Dusty's blog below plus more information on the book.