Trannyshack UK - The Photo Book
By James Andrew Yardley

Sunday, 30 May 2010

I ' m
n o t
u s u a l l y
c r a z e d
f a n !

But when the premiere for Sex and the City 2 came around last Thursday on the 27th of May, I become one of those crazy fans in Leicester Square. Not only did I get through security when they said 'We're not letting anyone else in' I also made it to the front with some help from my good friends.

Obviously I got to meet all the SATC girls but I most importantly got to meet Sarah Jessica Parker, a woman I've been in awe of for a very long time, and she didn't disappoint, she was in a Philip Treacy head piece and fabulous Alexander McQueen gown. Anyway I won't continue to babble, here's all the signatures below. Obviously SJP's autograph got a whole page to itself because she's that fucking important to me.


Sarah Jessica Parker

Chris Noth, Kim Cattrall & Mario Cantone

Michael Patrick King & Kristin Davis

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

K i n k y
K a b a r e t

Yesterday evening I ventured over to Kinky Kabaret at Freedom in Soho, as always it was full of show stopping performances, and I got to see my good friend Dusty 'O' and of course take some little polaroids.


M o r e
M a n c u n i a n
M a i l

Even her post is cute.

Friday, 21 May 2010

d i d n ' t
d o
w o r k
t o d a y

Instead I went to Hyde Park and sat in the sunshine. It was beautiful, though I am aware I will pay for it in around a week when all my deadlines come at once.

A g
E m

Well knowing how I love Polaroids and all, you'll understand why this is relevant. Agyness Deyn + her sister Emily 'Deyn' have brought out a tshirt range at Uniqlo with pretty little polaroids on them. At £13.99 obviously I couldn't resist, here are a few scans of the label and the tshirt. I was bored and couldn't help myself!


Wednesday, 19 May 2010

L e t t e r s

Sunday, 16 May 2010

S c e n e
2 4 / 7
M a g a z i n e

My work in another magazine. Happy as larry as per usual.


Friday, 14 May 2010

P r i d e
O f
P l a c e

Hopefully I'm bringing pen pals & post back with my best friend who lives in Manchester. It's started with a PASSPORT photos kids. As one of these lovely pics below is now sitting pride of place in 'er wallet.

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

On the 24th of May, yours truly and three other fantastic photographers will be showing our work in an exhibition called 'This East London Eden'. Come, don't come. It's up to you, but what could be better than having a stroll through a lovely park in the sunshine (fingers crossed) and browsing some up and coming (again fingers crossed) photographers. Hopefully we'll see you there anytime between 11.00am and 5.00pm.


Tuesday, 11 May 2010

L o v e
M y
M o m

She sends me letters with little smiley face stickers on the back..
Silly I know, but it cheered me up no end.
Especially after the day I've had.

Still, Onwards and upwards eh!

Monday, 10 May 2010

o n e
m o r e
f r o m
t h e
s x - 70

I thought I'd lost this little gem, but it returned to my life today by falling out of a notebook in the sweetest of manors. I love the lighting and the composition of the polaroid. I miss having 600 film constantly, my sx-70 was my best photographic friend, YES even more than Lady Tank.

God that makes me sound so sad.

Sunday, 9 May 2010

p o l a r o i d
s x - 7 0

After chatting to a friend from back 'ome in the midlands, I decided to scan in and upload my old 600 polaroid shots. Because I didn't have the money at the time for actual sx-70 film, I adapted 600 film which is no longer available at a reasonable price and I used two different filters with the film.

Anyway, I shot random things such as landscapes and flowers. Which is sooooooo not my usual style, however I like the results anyway. Here's some of my favorites. enJOY.

Just a little technical legal thing I'm supposed to do and apparently haven't been doing since the start of this blog.

© All polaroids like my digital images on this blog belong to myself 'James Andrew Yardley' Please do not use or reproduce without requesting my permission first. Thank youuu :)

Saturday, 8 May 2010

"You don't care, but it was the best moment of my life."

e m m a
r o s e
f l e w e r s

A few months back I posed for my good friend and fellow student Emma Rose Flewers' for her exhibition piece at UEL. I only just got my hands on some of the pictures and I think you'll agree they're LAVVVELY. The girls got talent - stayed tuned for her website and more work including her new photography book.


Friday, 7 May 2010

I ' m
n o t
t h e
s h a r p e s t
t o o l
i n
t h e
s h e d !

Well the other evening I headed to Trannyshack with only my polaroid camera. Unfortunately I should have known myself better, as I had one too many Vodka's and accidently/stupidly opened up the back of my polaroid camera and exposed the last 4 polaroids. What a slap in my drunk face eh? So here's my six polaroids that I managed to take, also including a very well known TV presenter Mr Gok Wan, who is honestly one of the nicest people I've ever met.

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

h a t e
W a s t e

I really dislike wasting Polaroids, and earlier on myself and Lady Tank had a bit of a situation on our hands. It basically involved myself turning the flash off, and Lady Tank's automatic sensor turning the flash back on, therefore I wasted 3 polaroids and nearly killed my ears and others around me by screaming. It was a real moment of drama.

Anyway, silver lining. They actually look kind of nice, beautiful in an abstract way maybe?

"Stop calling, stop calling, I don't want to talk anymore: I left my head, my heart, my dignity, my clothes, my sense of personal space and my ability to care on the dancefloor"

- Iain Black

Monday, 3 May 2010

L a d y
T a n k ' s
F i r s t
P o l a r o i d s

Now I know 1. It's incredibly sad to name a camera and 2. It's even worse if you start referring to it as a real person, for example 'Careful with Lady Tank!' and 'She doesn't like it when you hold her like that!' - Oh yes I've been there already, but I feel very close to her as a camera/person. Anyway enough of my con-flab, here's the first load of pics from Lady Tank herself, she's a big bitch and she's produced some big beauties, with the help of me of course. There's also a few out of focus polaroids, but I'm still getting used to the adjustable lens on her, anyway enjoy. They're pretty darn fabulous.